Monday, July 12, 2010

Day 3 - Sunday - Vail Market, World Cup Finals, Quiet Afternoon

We awoke to a bright, sunny Vail morning with an amazing Carolina Blue sky.  Parked in the Town of Vail parking deck and emerged just where the Vail Market began.  The market included lots (and I mean LOTS of food booths, produce stands with produce that made me wish that I was cooking while here (but not enough to offer to cook dinner :))  Beautiful jewelry, pottery and other crafts booths.  I bought a silver pendant that I've wanted for years that is a modern bear shape - the sWmbol of Vail derived from the Golden Bear jewelry store.  We walked around for a couple of hours, met back up with the girls, bought lunch at several booths and smoked salmon for breakfast tomorrow and headed  back to the ranch.  Just a few pictures today - amazingly enough. 

Art and I watched the Final game of the World Cup; the girls napped and went to the pool, sauna and hot tub (in time for the afternoon rain).  After the game, Art and I did the hot tub and then dinner.  Not very exciting, but relaxing and we look forward to rafting tomorrow AM.

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